We offer weekend experiences designed to
make your heart come alive
Our next weekend is May 15-18, 2025
Hearts Rescued. Freedom Gained

Somewhere along the path, you lost your way.
This world can be brutal on a man, do any of these sound like you, or somebody you know?
I lost that fire.
I used to have passion
I feel disconnected from my purpose
I feel checked out
Life just isn’t what I thought it would be.
I know there’s something more for me.

there is more. you can recover what was lost.
we believe that these three things are true for all of us
You are a beloved Son of God
You have a seat at the table.
Freedom is possible.

Meet Pete Emhoff
Pete has been through it too.
At times, he’s been discouraged, frustrated, and feeling lost and he found a way through it. He’s been walking alongside men as a ministry for nearly 20 years now.
Need a listening ear? Pete regularly meets with men to hear their stories.
True Pursuit Offerings

The Burn
Every Wednesday night, Pete hosts a fire at his home in Dexter, MI. It is a safe place where men can be men, and talk about the things that matter most in life. It is an environment where men are seen, heard, and understood…exactly what every one of us longs for. Consider coming and checking it out.

True Pursuit Weekend
A four day adventure designed to help a man recover his masculine heart. Through teaching sessions, film clips, adventure activities and more, men will be offered an opportunity to reconnect with God in a powerful and fresh way.

Kingdom Influencers
This is our 18 month journey that we consider our Special Forces training for a spiritual life. We teach rhythms of Solitude, Community and Mission, and what that looks like in every day life.
Pete’s Blog
Pete frequently writes out his thoughts on Life, God, and the Masculine Heart
How Does God Speak to You?
How Does God Speak to You?I love Hawks, I always have. Whenever I see a Hawk, I pause in awe at how beautiful and majestic they are. I also believe that they are one of the ways that God speaks to me. I sense His love and intimacy whenever I see a Hawk soaring or…
Look Kids, a Deer!
Our world has become a constant feed of information and entertainment. We take our phones with us everywhere we go. There are televisions in nearly every restaurant and coffee shop. We are fed messages (propaganda really) relentlessly from advertisements on nearly every flat surface. And we are bombarded with a 24-hour satellite news cycle. It…
Is God Mad?
Have you ever wondered where some of our deep beliefs about God actually come from? Or better yet, have you ever taken the time to ask Jesus to reveal some of the lies that you believe about him? I thought that might get your attention. Could it be possible that some of the things you…